How Getting Out of the Cold Weather Can Improve Your Health

| March 1, 2022

While there are activities that you may enjoy during the cold weather, a break from it can be beneficial too. Let’s look at a few ways that getting out of the cold weather can improve your health.

1) The sunshine

Even if it’s a somewhat sunny day in cold climates, your body most likely isn’t getting enough exposure to sunlight. Sunlight exposure is one of the best sources of Vitamin D. Vitamin D has many benefits, including stronger bones and teeth, higher energy levels, stronger immunity systems and it even helps prevent some types of cancer. One study at the University of Central Washington estimated that 77% of the population considered vitamin D insufficient. Of course, moderation is also important. Sunscreen is a must since over-exposure can lead to a painful sunburn in the short term and most serious conditions in the longer term.

2) Improved mental health

Scientists tell us that the color yellow makes us feel happy because we associate it with, among other things, the sun. Cold weather, overcast and gloomy days can take their toll on your mental health during the winter months. Not only does the sun increase our vitamin D, but it also increases the production of serotonin in our bodies. Serotonin is a “happy” hormone that helps us regulate our mood. It also helps our memories and our attention and focus.

According to researchers, the winter months can also bring on Seasonal Affective disorder (SAD). About 6% of Americans are affected by SAD and another 14% suffer from a lesser form, often called the winter blues.

3) Better for your cardiovascular system

The cold weather is tough on your heart and lungs. Cold weather can constrict and congest airways. This can be even more pronounced in people who suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchitis. Other studies have shown that people with hypertension and cardiovascular diseases experience cold-related issues more often than those without.

4) More activity

Let’s be honest, on a dark and cold day, our inclination is to stay inside and keep warm. Breaking out of that loop by spending some time in warm weather gets you moving around and outside. Even mild activities like walking are much better for your health than staying indoors and binging on Netflix.

If you choose to spend your warm-weather time at a Serendipity vacation home, you’ll find all sorts of outdoor activities waiting for you. You don’t have to bring any equipment, it’s all included.

5) Better sleep

It may seem strange to think that sunlight helps you sleep better, but it does. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine compared the sleep patterns of workers working in windowless environments to those in workplaces with significantly more daylight. The workers who got more natural light had higher physical activity and got longer and higher quality sleep.

If you are ready to escape the cold weather and see how it can improve your health, contact us. The Serendipity staff is ready to help you trade your snow shovel for sand and surf.

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